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Dmitri Vietze
Mar 11, 2018
Bose Introduces Audio-Only Augmented Reality at SXSW; Announces $50 Million Fund for Startups
The company that put noise-cancelling headphones on the map was my most notable discovery at SXSW Interactive so far.

Tristra Newyear Yeager
Feb 9, 2018
Augmenting the Big Game: Virtex Arena Lets Fans Compete Virtually Onfield Via Smartphone App
Viewers can participate in their own engaging halftime entertainment via multiplayer AR competitions. Using your smartphone, you can see the

Caitlin Blackford
Oct 13, 2017
Create the Soundtrack to Your Life With Augmented Reality Video
Music x Tech x Future – October 8, 2017 With Amazon releasing a cheaper version of the Echo and Google upgrading Alexa, it seems as the...
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