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Dmitri Vietze
Aug 20, 2019
Music Has Been Sliced Into Smaller and Smaller Pieces: A Seismic Shift
The technology we use to listen to and make music is changing the very nature of music. Maximum album length was determined by how much data

Music Tectonics
Aug 15, 2019
(Podcast) The Push to Transparency is Irreversible: A Seismic Shift with Noah Becker of AdRev
This week on the podcast, Noah Becker chats with host Dmitri Vietze about how multiple claims on music usage keeps all parties from getting

Music Tectonics
Aug 8, 2019
(Podcast) Uses Will Remain Faster than Systems: A Seismic Shift with Seth Schachner
Are the systems and laws keeping up or is the industry struggling to adapt to the rapid pace of change? This week on the Music Tectonics pod

Dmitri Vietze
Jul 23, 2019
Music is Like Water: A Seismic Shift
In a 2002 profile in the New York Times, David Bowie said, “'The absolute transformation of everything that we ever thought about music

Dmitri Vietze
Jul 12, 2019
Humpty Dumpty: A Seismic Shift
Music Tectonics has identified several seismic shifts that have created the music landscape of today and tomorrow. These are climate changes

Jeanne Bidault
Jul 11, 2019
(Podcast) Putting Humpty Together Again: The Music Industry’s Great Fall with Vickie Nauman
Just like the old nursery rhyme character Humpty Dumpty, the music industry had a great fall and shattered. Vickie Nauman witnessed the...
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