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Dmitri Vietze
Jun 8, 2016
Music Tectonics: The Ground Beneath the Music Industry is Shifting
Tech-fueled earthquakes have shaken the music industry and it’s easy to point fingers about who’s at fault, from streaming services to...

Music Tectonics
Feb 9, 2016
Live Music’s Uber Moment: Putting Performers in Living Rooms, Backyards, and the Workplace
In 2000, the top 100 musician tours got 90% of the live music income. Their share today is a mere 44%. The more digital we get, the more...

Music Tectonics
Feb 6, 2016
Money Where Their Mouth Is: Music Xray Invests in Artist Careers
100 million dollars. That’s the value Music Xray expects to be adding to the recorded music industry in 2018, driven by its new Artist...

Music Tectonics
Feb 3, 2016
Naxos: Data-Rich Music Streaming Service
It may come as a surprise that one of the first subscription services offering streaming music was the feisty classical label, Naxos. And...

Music Tectonics
Feb 3, 2016
New Model Offers Alternative to Costly Music Degrees for Indie Musicians
Musicians are often students of the school of hard knocks. Music technology, business and education veteran Dave Kusek thinks it doesn’t...

Music Tectonics
Jan 28, 2016
How We Remember: Lyrics and Legacies
This winter has been tough on rock stars. Since November, music critics have written obituaries for Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots,...

Music Tectonics
Jan 28, 2016
Love, Factually: AccuRadio Fixes Broken Hearts, Fuels Romantic Fires, and Has the Stats to Prove it
AccuRadio, the fastest growing webcaster, knows it’s coming, every year: the telltale spike in listening to the sounds of romance, sharp...

Music Tectonics
Jan 22, 2016
The Explosion of New Music in Advertising with CrucialCustom
Digital advertising has blown open the market for music, and advertisers of all sizes and media have opened up to a whole new range of...
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