2019 Conference Hotels

Room blocks are extremely limited, so reserve now to secure the discounted rate!
Hotel Angeleno
170 N. Church Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90049
Enjoy the view from Hotel Angeleno, the iconic round tower located in the Sepulveda Pass close to the Music Tectonics conference site at the Skirball.
The discounted room block at Hotel Angeleno is now completely booked. Visit the hotel's webpage to reserve a room at standard rates
Luxe Sunset Boulevard
11461 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90049
A few discounted room rooms remain at the Luxe! Claim yours now!
Unwind in an urban oasis on Sunset Boulevard just minutes away from the Skirball.
To receive a discounted conference rate for the nights of October 28 and 29, click the button below. To extend your stay beyond those nights, contact Luxe's in-house reservations team at (855) 326-2686 or Reservations.Sunset@luxehotels.com.