Music for picture, also known as synch, is a growing slice of the music industry pie, and it’s experiencing seismic shifts just like the rest of the biz. Today on the Music Tectonics podcast, irregular host Tristra Newyear Yeager explores the synch terrain with Tanvi Patel, CEO and owner of indie catalog company Crucial Music. Tanvi digs in to how synch works and how the shifting media landscape is causing tremors in synch too. What new opportunities for licensing music are there when more and more products weave music into their makeup. Music is Like Fire, as we learned last week, igniting new uses for music and new ways of licensing and generating revenue. How is “Peak TV” and the proliferation of streaming media services changing the synch ecosystem? What do most people in the music biz miss about synch?
Listen to the podcast here on our website, or on your favorite podcast platform. Learn more about Crucial Music’s pre-cleared catalog of indie music for picture (and beyond) at their website. and find out about their custom music platform CrucialCustom.
The Music Tectonics podcast goes beneath the surface of the music industry to explore how technology is changing the way business gets done. Weekly episodes include news roundups, interviews with music tech movers & shakers, and more.