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(Podcast) Cherie Hu on YouTube's Missing Hip Hop Premieres, Peloton's clapback, and Audio AR

Sydney Scorza

Cherie Hu returns to Music Tectonics for a special news roundup! Cherie digs deeper into why Hip Hop doesn't dominate YouTube's top premieres (a story from her Water + Music newsletter). What does Peloton's licensing problem mean for how the fitness industry uses music? What does Snapchat hope to gain from gaming? Is sacred music the original AR technology? Cherie chats about it all (and much more) with host Dmitri Vietze and resident music tech expert Tristra Newyear Yeager. To stay up to date with Cherie's music + tech insights, subscribe to her newsletter and follow her on twitter. She'll be speaking at the first Music Tectonics Conference in October, too!

Listen to the podcast right here, or wherever you get your podcasts.

The Music Tectonics podcast goes beneath the surface of the music industry to explore how technology is changing the way business gets done. The podcast includes news roundups, interviews, and more.

Featured news stories this week:

YouTube premieres, hip hop, and international listeners on Cherie's newsletter.

Cherie's panel at MusicBiz on international rights.

Peloton counter sues publishers on Wall Street Journal.

Rethinking streaming: Is digital overabundance the problem? on Medium.

Radio 2.0: Spotify is tossing podcasts into algo-gen playlists, Amazon and Google are diving into ad-supported music for smart speakers... what gives? on The Verge.

Social media pivots: Fbook to "privacy" and Snap to "games" on The Verge.

AR, privacy, data: What do the potential AR pitfalls mean for music? on TechCrunch.

Facebook Embraces Music: How the Social Network Is Friending the Industry by Licensing Content on Billboard.

How TikTok Is Launching Rappers to Viral Success on Complex.

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