Music Tech Carnival - Startup Demos
Santa Monica Pier Carousel
Ben Bowler, Creative Mind , Verses, Nemoz Lab, Artur Muehle, Diana Gremore , Rhoonart, Neutune
Music Tech Carnival - AI Alley
Santa Monica Pier Carousel
Infinite Album, Melodia, DAACI, Decibel
Opening Party
Santa Monica Pier Carousel
Presented by Kuack Media Group
The State of Creativity in Music Tech
10:00 AM
Annenberg Beach House
Garden Terrace Room
Daniel Rowland, Dani DiCiaccio, Matt Henninger, Dani Deahl
The Explosion of Music in Gaming and Esports
10:00 AM
Annenberg Beach House
Sand & Sea Room
Maria Egan, Geoff Sawyer, Vickie Nauman, David Knox
AI's Got Talent: See AI Music in Action
10:00 AM
Annenberg Beach House
Terrace Lounge
Infinite Album, Melodia, DAACI, Dmitri Vietze, Decibel, WAVEAI
Fueling Fan Engagement: Creating a Meaningful User Experience
11:00 AM
Annenberg Beach House
Garden Terrace Room
David Ring, Darryl Ballantyne, David Hazan, Tracy DeBarros
Untapped Opportunities in the Music Market
11:00 AM
Annenberg Beach House
Sand & Sea Room
Lisa Farris, Francisco Toscano, Juan Francisco Saavedra Plata, Nancy Stolze
The Startup Quest: How to go From Idea to Licenses Today
11:00 AM
Annenberg Beach House
Terrace Lounge
Zach Poag, Chase Butters, Lauren Apolito, David Hughes
Music Meets AI: Navigating a Positive Future
12:00 PM
Annenberg Beach House
Garden Terrace Room
Angela Abbott, Allie Garfinkle, Marina Guz, Con Raso
Rising Tech: Expanding Music Distribution Through New Technologies
12:00 PM
Annenberg Beach House
Sand & Sea Room
Amelia Daly, Matt Barrington, Máuhan M Zonoozy, Helen Sartory
Blast Into the Future of User Experiences
12:00 PM
Annenberg Beach House
Terrace Lounge
Karen Allen, Haakon Mathisen, Bill Campbell, Tina Rubin
The Billion $ Problem: Emerging Solutions to the Music Industry’s Streaming Fraud Conundrum
Annenberg Beach House
Garden Terrace Room
Adam Rabinovitz, Tristra Newyear Yeager, Andrew Batey, Michael Pelczynski
Illuminating Artist Deals: The Inevitability of Fairness
Annenberg Beach House
Sand & Sea Room
Amadea Choplin, J. Monty, Peter Harvey, Celines Barrington
Open Mic - Come on mic to introduce yourself and your company!
Annenberg Beach House
Terrace Lounge
Monetization Beyond Streaming
Annenberg Beach House
Garden Terrace Room
Bill Colitre, Jess Mitchell, Rian Rochford, Seth Schachner
Untangling Music Data for the Benefit of All
Annenberg Beach House
Sand & Sea Room
Dae Bogan, Tristra NewyearYeager, Britnee Foreman
How is AI Transforming Music
Annenberg Beach House
Terrace Lounge
Gregg Lehrman, Maya Ackerman, Albhy Galuten, Rachel Lyske
Strength in Numbers: Growth of the Independent Artist and the Future of DIY
Annenberg Beach House
Garden Terrace Room
Kristin Robinson, Andreea Gleeson
Music Tech Investors Speak
Annenberg Beach House
Sand & Sea Room
Joe Tou, Tatiana Cirisano, Rishi Patel, Deek Velagandula
Transmedia Approaches to Music: The Intersection of Hollywood, Gaming, and Music
Annenberg Beach House
Terrace Lounge
Brandon Bauman, Bruce Hamilton, Maria Gironas, Brooke Rascoff
Swimming with Narwhals - Pitch Competition
Annenberg Beach House
Sand & Sea Room
Ben Bowler, Stefan Heinrich, Premysl Koudela, Artur Muehle, Diana Gremore, Joe Tou, Tracy Maddux, Deek Velagandula
Seismic Beach Party
Annenberg Beach House
Pool Deck - Exhibitor Area
Presented by A2IM, DISCO, Dot Hip Hop, Songtradr, and Hangout on Turntable
Music in a Post-Stream Era, a fireside chat, where the fire is the sun, and the chat is on the roof
Expert Dojo
Dmitri Vietze, Tatiana Cirisano
Open Meeting Space
11:00 AM
Expert Dojo
Rock Paper Scissors PR Workshop
12:00 PM
Expert Dojo
Dmitri Vietze, Tristra Newyear Yeager, Leland Grossman
UMG Startup Bootcamp
Universal Music Group Studios